Comparative Analysis
APC-SV4/8 vs. R850 - 4/8 Step Control
Specific Advantage
Low power consumption, high performance
​High reliability
Latest Microcontroller Technology
Low Parts Count
RoHS Compliant
Rugged 170Tg High temperature PCB Material
Lead free
Lead free, stronger material
Intuitive Wiring
Accepts seven industry standard inputs
Vernier Output
Hi Resolution 10 Bit Vernier Output
Easy to integrate into new applications
Stage delay from 0 to
3 minutes
Pulsed/Analog Vernier Stage
Custom software to fit special requirements
4 Stage unit flexibility
Expandable to 16 Zones
FIFO expandable to 16 stages
Test Button
Intuitive slave unit setup
MOV Output Protection
Greater user flexibility / wider
range of applications
Greater user flexibility / wider
range of applications
Less temperature fluctuation
Wider range of applications
Greater user flexibility / wider
range of applications
Easy troubleshooting
Easy to integrate into new applications
The APC-SV4 and APC-SV8 Step Controls have been designed from the ground up for easier setup, better performance, higher reliability and RoHS compliance. The footprint and output connections are the only thing that is common between the APC-SVX and the R850. While the R850, is an older design, the APC-SVX utilizes the latest Microcontroller technology to reduce the component count and provide increased reliability and performance. Specific performance advantages such as the Hi resolution Vernier output will increase the temperature stability of the process. Due to the FLASH Microcontroller technology, the program can be customized to meet the requirements of applications that are beyond the standard feature set.